
夕凪雨京 - Ukyo Yunagi -アートTシャツシャツのお店


夕凪雨京(Ukyo Yunagi)がデザインした、個性的でおしゃれな絵画のデザインをプリントしたアートtシャツの通販サイト。当店ではトレンドのアートtシャツをオリジナルで制作しております。メンズ、レディースともにお楽しみいただけるデザインになります。


ー 夕凪雨京 Ukyo Yunagi ー
ギャラリーサイト: https://www.ukyoyunagi.com/




Online shopping site for art t-shirts printed with unique and fashionable painting designs designed by Ukyo Yunagi. Our store produces original trendy art t-shirts. The designs can be enjoyed by both men and women.
We also sell art goods.

Gallery website: https://www.ukyoyunagi.com/

Ukyo Yunagi is an artist who works not only in painting, but also in a wide range of other fields such as short films, animation, web design, character creation for game applications, and the creation of small objects and accessories using ceramic clay.

In the short movie project for PRADA's autumn/winter collection, he successfully attempted to fuse the back with "Japanese" and his work was adopted. Using vivid colors and jet black, he draws a scene from a story he imagines in his mind, following his senses.
Since 2016, she has been working in earnest, focusing on creating paintings, including digital art.
Overcame chronic fatigue syndrome and resumed full-scale activities in late 2021.